After having lunch at Mariposa today, I ventured into Williams Sonoma while the Mrs was perusing jewelry at Tiffany's. Though still full with lunch, I got a major cooking woodie while lusting over the display front and center at the entrance. A Polyscience immersion cooker... purchase by the end of the year and they throw in a 20 qt stock pot and a 27 qt cooking bin.
Oh yah, you can make your immersion cooker by setting your burner to exactly 140 degrees... yah right! Like burner controls are that precise. You could also try to simmer water in a large pot over an induction cooker at 140 degrees but certain areas in the pot may be 145 degrees while others are 135 degrees and since your food is vacuum sealed (ie anaerobic), too low a temperature can be setting you up for botulism. I'll pass.
But these immersion cookers keep the temperature constant to within a tenth of a degree. Yowza! Of course they cost a little more than chump change at $799.95 plus another $199.95 for the vacuum sealer and another $35 for extra vacuum bags... Oh well, I can have my cooking wet dreams...