Today marks Day #1 of Negroni Week 2023. Today's negroni is a variation of a scotch based negroni I first viewed on You Tube; Alessandro Palazzi, the mixologist at Duke's Bar in London demonstrated how to prepare a Negroni Torbato. He first used a heavily peated scotch then the artichoke based amaro, Cynar and finally Campari's baby brother, Aperol all in equal parts served in an old fashioned glass spritzed with peat essence and a twist of orange peel. Since I don't even know where to look for that essence of peat, I just used that heavily peated scotch from Compass Box, The Peat Monster...
1oz Compass Box The Peat Monster
1oz Cynar
1oz Aperol
Mix over ice then strain into a old fashioned glass on the rocks. Express the oil from a twist of orange peel then garnish the cocktail. Salut!