Every couple of weeks after refreshing my sourdough starter, I'll make a pair of pizza with whatever leftover protein or veggies I have sittin' in the 'frig. A friend gave me the starter that she purchased from the King Arthur website that I've been nourishing every other week - yes, I know most bakers refresh several times a week or even daily but I can't bake that often with just the two of us in the house - but I've been refreshing the same starter for almost 10 years. In fact, when K moved back from Maui, her starter died before moving into her new abode so I gave her a cup of starter to start anew...
Refreshing is simple; 10 ounce of all-purpose flour with 5 ounces of water mixed until pasty then add a cup of starter from the previous batch and let sit until doubled in volume. I then do this again in another 2 weeks - you are left with another cup of starter which I often use for my pizza dough. Since I usually have some of my green onion and ginger sauce, I'll use that as the sauce base instead of a red pizza sauce, top with cubed chicken breast (already sous vide cooked) then drizzle with hoisin sauce and add just enough white cheese to keep the toppings from fallin' off...
I had leftover chimichurri sauce and a little salami so I used the chimichurri as the sauce then topped it with the chopped salami for another pie...
Once of my usual stanby pizza is topped with the Menu Truffle Cream which is basically a white mushroom sauce with truffle added for flavoring - for this pie I simply spread the mushroom cream as the base the top with an Italian cheese bland and grated Parmesan... unfortunately, the Menu product is only sold on the iGourmet website which now charges $49.99 shipping to the 50th, even for non-perishable items...
Finally, a pie I made in the past - which I'm proud of - is my Clam Chowder Pizza using a thickened clam juice "bechamel" topped with chopped clams, browned potatoes, smoked onions and celery. Obviously not a fly-by-night pizza as you have to pre-cook the potatoes and also made a thickened sauce but when I posted the picture on Social Media, I joked that CPK could add it to their menu... for a fee...
Since I refresh my starter every other week, there will be more pies loaded in the future...