Since today we celebrate all things Gin & Tonic, how about a Pickled Hendricks & Q-Tonic? A shot of Hendricks gin since has those cucumber overtones, 3oz of my favorite tonic water, Q-Tonic and a heavy splash of the filtered liquid from my Gin & Tonic Pickles. For the Gin & Tonic Pickles, I just sliced the ends off of ~7 pickling cucumbers (they are pre-bagged that way in the 50th) then quarter lengthwose and place in a mason jar. The pickling liquid is 3/4 cup each of gin and tonic, the juice from a large lime and about 1 tbsp of smashed juniper berries. Pour this liquid over the quartered cucumbers and let sit overnight then consume with your favorite sandwiches. They also would make a great garnish for this Gin & Tonic (though I ate all of my pickles)... After cunsuming the pickles, just run the leftover pickling juice through a coffee filter - I put that liquid in a squeeze bottle just for applications like this...